I went to uptown galleries yesterday and at the Milton Avery show at Knoedler my path crossed with this feisty older woman who needed a hand with her walker up the stars there, I told her I'd be glad to help, so I helped her in and we went our seperate ways to see the show then I helped her out I had overheard her talking at the desk where she was telling the gallery person about how she had met Avery when she was organizing something for her kid's school in westchester long ago and so she just got on a Bus and came down to see the show.As I was helping her down the stairs she told me she was 92...WOW, so I guess getting old dosn't mean just lying in bed and being sickly and sorry that it's almost over like it is in my worst fear scenario. She really made my day and yesterday was a day FILLED with Highpoints, I saw a painting of mine in the window of Bergdorfs, a super cool performance by Desi Santiago at PS1, met my friend Richard's charming daughter Ji-Tan, saw lots of great shows at Uptown galleries, but that one brief encounter with the feisty 92 y/o was unforgettable.
Dog In The Bluebonnet Field
2 years ago
it was a high point for us to see you too. you were so great with ji tan-let's all hang out again. and thanks for showing us the pool installation...awesome!
Thanks, Supreme, for the upbeat post!
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