We finally arrived at my brother's guesthouse, "Rainbow Valley" , no he's not gay, but his brother is. It's incredible, I had no idea how cool it was here! In the photo above the roof of the cabin I'm in is at the bottom of the rainbow which I saw today...pretty cool! It's entered by a little bridge, it's carved into the hill and goes up above the trees , looking out over the gorge with a river directly below, followed by a valley, it's WAY high up. Off into the distance and a little higher up the mountains are surrounded by clouds and thats where the "Cloud forest" of monteverde is located.
My brother, Rolf, has had this place for about 4 years and is constanly adding onto it.....its pretty classy and well decorated. I'm impressed! It's only about 10 miles away from where we were last night but it was a 3 hour drive along winding roads, up and down mountains....it was really beautiful and it gave us an opportunity to have a pretty intense talk about our similar but different experiences growing up with the same parents. The roles we chose, the way we survived. Rolf was always the independent one, he stood up to my dad and my dad was constantly beating the sh#* out of him....you might call him stubborn, he just didn't like being told what to do.
Rolf was always very warm and supportive of me and he still is. He thinks its great that I'm an artist, carving out a life for myself on my own terms. Rolf had no problem accepting that I'm gay, he's met a few of my boyfriends and treated them all like potential future brother in law's. Rolf has always been a libertarian...he's got a very "live and let live" attitude and for that reason, Costa Rica suits him just fine. It's a good match and very lucky for me to have a brother as cool as him
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