Tuesday, October 14, 2008

PLAVI ORKESTAR - Good Bye Teens (1985)

I love this!! Thanks Allen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im not sure but I think they took their name (Blue Orchestra) from the Blue Orchestra Bar (=the gay bar in one of the first police academy films.) The lyrics are pure teenage poetry, coloured of course by the melancholy and alcoholism that colours most of the balkan culture.

Bolje biti pijan nego star.. (the biggest hit)

When I think of you, old love
I regret we were only good friends
But life flies flies
Youth is short
Everything will come back one day
But only that she will stay
Everything will come back one day
But only that she will stay

Better to be drunk than old
The wine doesn´t know we were once a happy couple

And when the winter comes
and the first snowflakes
I will wait for you dear Buco,
at the end of the first year in highschool
I will wait for you dear Buco,
at the end of first year in highschool

No no you will not come back
I know you far to well
Maybe that’s for the best
I got used to be alone
Maybe that’s for the best
I got used to be alone

Better to be drunk than old
The wine doesn´t know we were once a happy couple

Lovac I kosuta (=the hunter and the deer)
Love this yugoreggae! (the first song in this double feature)