Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Marilyn Minter on Gossip Girl

Along with identifying the music, another one of the things to catch on gossip girl is the art. It seems Serena's new family, the Basses have amassed quite a collection. Last week we saw their Elmgreen & Dragsett and this week I caught two Marilyn Minter's . One in Serena's bedroom.

Marilyn is an amazing person...I've often said to my close friends that her's is a career I would most like to have....slow and steady, full of ups and downs....but in the end, she becomes a superstar. One of my first studio visits was with Marilyn, she really focused and gave of herself, she's been consistently loyal, coming to every opening always with an opinion, even when its critical its constructive. The NY artworld is filled with people who have similar stories about Marilyn, she's had a huge on tons of artists and I wish her nothing but success

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