Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tony Feher at The Bronx Museum

You've got two more weeks to see the most beautiful exhibition in all of New York City. Tony Feher closes at the Bronx Museum of Art on February 16, for more information on the show follow this link... takes the most ordinary objects, empty glass jars for instance and fills them with colored water or marbles or collections of random cast offs and displays these in neat orderly arrangements that are anything but formal. I was reminded of that feeling I had when I was a little kid and I would discover something in my grandparents modest basement....jars of nuts and bolts say in my grandpa's wood shop and I would try and guess why this wise adult that I respected so much would save these things and I attached all kinds of meaning to these random cast offs. I felt like that over and over as I walked through these 2 rooms at the Bronx museum. Tony's an alchemist, he has the power to make me see the beauty in that which I too often take for granted. I went there on saturday afternoon shortly after I had taken a yoga class which had done for my body what this show did for my mind, calmed and stretched it and made me smile inside at the beauty that constantly surrounds us and is there for the taking, but which we soften miss.

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