Thursday, April 10, 2008

Feeling Groovy

I've gotten in the habit lately of getting up real early and hitting the gym first thing in the morning. It's a good routine, as once I get the gym out of the way I have the whole day spread out in front of me and I get a lot more done. Another benefit is that I get to walk around in the post dawn, early spring sunlight...which is Awesome. I've also been struck a few times lately by this thought , it's something like "I am living EXACTLY the life I always imagined for myself". It's kind of amazing and unsettling at the same time, it makes me very thankful, humble and appreciative. It also causes me to stop feeling like something is lacking, when I stop and take stock of all that I have in my life it's pretty amazing... I am in the middle of this abundence of riches, friends, career recognition....If you were to ask me "Isn't there anything you want?" of course I have a whole long list of things that I's just that I accept that I can't have everything at once , and what I do have is pretty great. I accept that I can't make other people do what I want, and that it's really more interesting to accept that other people are going to do whatever they want anyway, and that's really cool, Thanks you guys!

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