Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The Courbet Show at the Met is Mind blowingly good! If u
havn't been yet might I recommend going to the Cezanne room after, I
forgot how great their Cezanne holdings are, so cool to see the 2
early portraits of Cezanne's uncle that are so clearly informed by Courbet and yes, I could
rhapsodize about every painting in that room too.

The Courbet show is seems like at least a hundred paintings with all kinds of quirky stylistic touches. I ran into Sharon Louden there with Vinson Valega, Lucy Price and Michael McGowan and we all got into discussing the paintings. It was really fun to be able to debate this work with 4 brainy New Yorkers.

1 comment:

E.S. said...

I would love to be there and debate the show with some brainy ones...